Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finally there!

I learned in the past few days that part of Sierra Leone’s history includes refusing to let Acadian slaves remain in following their emancipation. The slaves had hopes for the future; I can only imagine that their young men saw visions and their old men dreamed dreams. Instead, in a heritage moment we won’t soon see broadcast on TV, as part of our history our Canadian ancestors sent those slaves packing by ship. The ship found its way to the continent of Africa, to a place now named ‘Freetown’, in honour of those afore-mentioned freed slaves. This mixed group of slaves settled there and there remain to this day a significant impact on the language of the Sierra Leonians (Krio – a colloquial language with enough traces of English to make it recognizable.

Yesterday, along with a group of fellow Canadians, I landed in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. It would be a stretch to compare this too closely to the landing of our Krio-speaking brothers and sisters in so many years earlier. Especially since our landing – and subsequent drive ‘up-country’ to Kabala – led us, not to be pushed away, but to be welcomed with open arms by the incredibly hospitable folks from the in Sierra Leone and CES (Christian Extension Services). It was/is truly heartening. We are thrilled to be here and they are excited to show us church plants, visit with us and break bread with us. This began earlier this evening with a wonderful meal, good conversation, new friendships and renewed friendships.

Should it be any surprise that the breaking of bread would be both the marker and the instigator of healing?


Mike and Laura said...

We are praying for you every day and hope your trip is all that you hoped it would be. Maetia prays for Grandpa in Africa.

anne said...

Glad to hear that you all are well! Enjoy the new friends! Celebrate the breaking of bread! Strength to you all.

"Hi grandpa. I miss you so much and I wish I could see you right now!" Tristan

Sid and Sharon said...

Joel, Yesterday the song " We fall down" kept coming to me. Today I searched for it in my cd's and we played it. How exciting it was that they were singing it in English and than they sang it in an African language as well. God is constantly reminding us about you and we continue to lift you up in prayer.
The song says, "The greatness of mercy and love, at the feet of Jesus. And we cry Holy Holy Holy, is the Lamb." May you experience that mercy and love. Blessings to you all.

beim said...

Joel...praying for you and Oense and the rest of the team. Thanks for this writing...was it just a few days ago we sat at the airport? Please say Hi to Joe and Adrienne for me.